
Itbecameuseless.IfIimportamp3fileitgoeswaytoofast,butwhenIrecordaaudiofilewithintheappithastheperfecttempo.,Orgotofilemenuimportandselectaudiofileandthenjustloadinthemp3youwant.,Wheniimportedaaudiofileintologicitplayreallyfasticheckthesamplerateoftheprojectandthefilearethesameandicantseemto ...,Imakeanicehiphopbeatat90bpmandwanttoimportmy90bpmviolintracktodosomestutteringandchoppingupofitthrou...

All my audio files go way too fast? What do I do? ...

It became useless. If I import a mp3 file it goes way too fast, but when I record a audio file within the app it has the perfect tempo.

How to import an audio on Logic Pro X with its original speed

Or go to file menu import and select audio file and then just load in the mp3 you want.

Imported audio Playback too fast..

When i imported a audio file into logic it play really fast i check the sample rate of the project and the file are the same and i cant seem to ...

imported audio playing too fast

I make a nice hip hop beat at 90 bpm and want to import my 90 bpm violin track to do some stuttering and chopping up of it throughout the song, ...

Importing Audio is Way Too Fast

Hi, I'm trying to import audio and the file is sped up and high pitched. Yes the sample rates are both the same, 44.1 kHz.

Logic weirdly speeds up imported audio

I put the mp3 I was trying to use into Garageband, then selected Share>Export Song To Disk & saved the file as an mp3. I then went into Logic, ...

Logix Pro X

I imported an mp3 file into logic to trim it a bit. Nothing else is in the project, just a short mp3, but it's playing way too fast.

MP3 Audio imports are playing too fast!

As the title suggests, I've been trying to import a song into a narration on Logic but whenever I drag and drop it in, it skips and plays ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
